Breed Standard

The AKC Breed Standard is the Official Standard of the Italian Greyhound (IG).


Description: The Italian Greyhound is very similar to the Greyhound, but much smaller and more slender in all proportions and of ideal elegance and grace.


HEAD: Narrow and long, tapering to nose, with a slight suggestion of stop. Skull – Rather long, almost flat. Muzzle – Long and fine. Nose – Dark. It may be black or brown or in keeping with the color of the dog. A light or partly pigmented nose is a fault. Teeth – Scissors bite. A badly undershot or overshot mouth is a fault. Eyes – Dark, bright, intelligent, medium in size. Very light eyes are a fault. Ears – Small, fine in texture; thrown back and folded except when alerted, then carried folded at right angles to the head. Erect or button ears severely penalized.


Neck: Long, slender and gracefully arched.


Body: Of medium length, short coupled; high at withers, back curved and drooping at hindquarters, the highest point of curve at start of loin, creating a definite tuck-up at flanks.


Shoulders – Long and sloping.


Chest – Deep and narrow.


Forelegs: Long, straight, set well under shoulder; strong pasterns, fine bone.


Hindquarters: Long, well-muscled thigh; hind legs parallel when viewed from behind, hocks well let down, well-bent stifle.


Feet: Harefoot with well-arched toes. Removal of dewclaws optional.


Tail: Slender and tapering to a curved end, long enough to reach the hock; set low, carried low. Ring tail a serious fault, gay tail a fault.


Coat: Skin fine and supple, hair short, glossy like satin and soft to the touch.


Color: Any color and markings are acceptable except that a dog with brindle markings and a dog with the tan markings normally found on black-and-tan dogs of other breeds must be disqualified.


Action: High stepping and free, front and hind legs to move forward in a straight line.


Size: Height at withers, ideally 13 to 15 inches.


Disqualifications: A dog with brindle markings. A dog with the tan markings normally found on black-and-tan dogs of other breeds.


Approved December 14, 1976

IG Standard Bullet Points
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